Detailed view for LmjF.31.0430

Basic information

TDR Targets ID: 22617
Leishmania major, calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative

Source Database / ID:  TriTrypDB  GeneDB

pI: 5.2609 | Length (AA): 938 | MW (Da): 101655 | Paralog Number: 0

Signal peptide: N | GPI Anchor: N | Predicted trans-membrane segments: 0

Druggability Group : DG2

Targets have been classified into druggability groups (DG) according to their druggability score in network driven prioritizations. DGs range from 1 to 5; the higher the group number, the higher the chance of the target to be druggable

Pfam domains

PF00648   Calpain family cysteine protease
PF09149   Domain of unknown function (DUF1935)

Gene Ontology

Mouse over links to read term descriptions.
GO:0005622   intracellular  
GO:0004198   calcium-dependent cysteine-type endopeptidase activity  
GO:0006508   proteolysis  

Metabolic Pathways

This gene is not mapped to any metabolic pathway in KEGG.

Structural information

Modbase 3D models:

There are 8 models calculated for this protein. More info on these models, including the models themselves is available at: Modbase

Target Beg Target End Template Template Beg Template End Identity Evalue Model Score MPQS zDope
242 349 1r75 (A) 13 130 27.00 0 0.84 0.51 -1.4
243 335 1r75 (A) 14 116 36.00 0.000000012 0.78 0.63 -1.5
355 937 1qxp (B) 2 583 22.00 0 1 0.6 0.87
234 354 2fe0 (A) 5 129 34.00 0 1 0.602398 -0.73
242 349 1r75 (A) 13 130 27.00 0 0.79 0.530639 -1.14
369 897 1qxp (B) 10 524 21.00 0 1 0.562366 0.82
389 728 2r9f (A) 39 351 30.00 0 1 0.572973 0.2
682 821 2j0f (A) 280 432 36.00 0.096 0.16 0.166754 1.39

Help me make sense of these data.

Target Beg: first modeled residue
Target End: last modeled residue
Template: template structure used for modelling (PDB accession and chain)
Template Beg: first template residue in target-template alignment
Template End: last template residue in target-template alignment
Identity: sequence identity
Evalue: E value for target-template hit
Model Score: GA341 score (>0.7 for reliable model)
MPQS: ModPipe Quality Score (>1.1 for reliable model)
zDope: zDope Score (negative for reliable model)

A more detailed description of these scores is available at the Modbase Model Evaluation Help Pages, and in the papers referenced therein.

PDB Structures:

No structure availble in the PDB for this protein


Upregulation Percent Ranking Stage Dataset
Mid 40-60% percentile amastigotes, metacyclic. Fernandes MC
Show/Hide expression data references
  • Fernandes MC Dual Transcriptome Profiling of Leishmania-Infected Human Macrophages Reveals Distinct Reprogramming Signatures.


Ortholog group members (OG5_183875)

Species Accession Gene Product
Leishmania braziliensis LbrM.31.0590   calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative
Leishmania donovani LdBPK_310440.1   calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative
Leishmania infantum LinJ.31.0440   calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative
Leishmania major LmjF.31.0430   calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative
Leishmania mexicana LmxM.30.0430  


No essentiality data collected for this gene and/or its orthologs.

Phenotypes and Validation (curated)

Annotated phenotypes:

Affected Entity Phenotypic quality Occurs in Occurs at Evidence Observed in Drugs/Inhibitors
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) amastigote (BTO:0000062) inferred from bioassay (ECO:0000094) Leishmania mexicana 337527   561727   585910  
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 4174-73-6. chemical inhibition with known cysteine peptidase inhibitors leads to slow growth of Leishmania sp. in cell assay; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 7179420
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) promastigote (BTO:0001124) inferred from bioassay (ECO:0000094) Leishmania mexicana 337527   561727   585910  
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 4174-73-6. chemical inhibition with known cysteine peptidase inhibitors leads to slow growth of Leishmania sp. in cell assay; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 7179420
catalytic activity (GO:0003824) decreased (PATO:0000468) in vitro (MI:0492) inferred from enzyme assay (ECO:0000005) Leishmania mexicana 337527   561727   585910  
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 4174-73-6. chemical inhibition with known cysteine peptidase inhibitors leads to reduced enzyme activity in vitro; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 7179420
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) amastigote (BTO:0000062) inferred from bioassay (ECO:0000094) Leishmania amazonensis No drug identifiers listed for this gene.
Annotator: Comment: L-Amino acid esters appear to be hydrolyzed by cysteine peptidase and lead to slow growth of Leishmania sp. in cell assay; . References: 1428504 2235078 2345655
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) amastigote (BTO:0000062) inferred from bioassay (ECO:0000094) Leishmania mexicana No drug identifiers listed for this gene.
Annotator: Comment: chemical inhibition with known cysteine peptidase inhibitors leads to slow growth of Leishmania sp. in cell assay; . References: 2270108
catalytic activity (GO:0003824) decreased (PATO:0000468) in vitro (MI:0492) inferred from enzyme assay (ECO:0000005) Leishmania amazonensis 81384   576750  
Annotator: Comment: chemical inhibition with known cysteine peptidase inhibitors leads to reduced enzyme activity in vitro; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 8023752
catalytic activity (GO:0003824) decreased (PATO:0000468) in vitro (MI:0492) inferred from enzyme assay (ECO:0000005) Leishmania major 81384   576750  
Annotator: Comment: chemical inhibition with known cysteine peptidase inhibitors leads to reduced enzyme activity in vitro; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 8023752
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) amastigote (BTO:0000062) host (GO:0018995) Leishmania donovani No drug identifiers listed for this gene.
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 81989-95-9. chemical inhibition with known cysteine peptidase inhibitors leads to slow growth of Leishmania sp. in vivo (balb/c mouse) and cure of parasite burden; also provided protection against further infection (partial vaccine); General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 11238649
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) amastigote (BTO:0000062) inferred from bioassay (ECO:0000094) Leishmania donovani No drug identifiers listed for this gene.
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 81989-95-9. chemical inhibition with known cysteine peptidase inhibitors leads to slow growth of Leishmania sp. in vivo (balb/c mouse) and cure of parasite burden; also provided protection against further infection (partial vaccine); General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 11238649
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) amastigote (BTO:0000062) host (GO:0018995) Leishmania tropica No drug identifiers listed for this gene.
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 233277-99-1. chemical inhibition with known cysteine peptidase inhibitors leads to slow growth of Leishmania sp. in vivo (balb/c mouse lesions) and reduced lesion size; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 15172223
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) amastigote (BTO:0000062) inferred from bioassay (ECO:0000094) Leishmania tropica No drug identifiers listed for this gene.
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 233277-99-1. chemical inhibition with known cysteine peptidase inhibitors leads to slow growth of Leishmania sp. in vivo (balb/c mouse lesions) and reduced lesion size; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 15172223
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) promastigote (BTO:0001124) inferred from bioassay (ECO:0000094) Leishmania tropica No drug identifiers listed for this gene.
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 233277-99-1. chemical inhibition with known cysteine peptidase inhibitors leads to slow growth of Leishmania sp. in cell assay; inhibitors overcome redundancy?; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 15172223
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) promastigote (BTO:0001124) inferred from bioassay (ECO:0000094) Leishmania donovani 0   6693   81384   236103   327961   376038   543486   543487   575389   575390   575391   576750  
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 22386-37-4; Drug: 36677-78-8; Drug: 52090-11-6; Drug: 98319-30-3; Drug: 300670-24-0; Drug: 302939-54-4; Drug: 303216-44-6; Drug: 309742-24-3; Drug: 312280-89-0; Drug: 315703-20-9; Drug: 320369-30-0; Drug: 322409-94-9; Drug: 330220-86-5; Drug: 335206-77-4; Drug: 347910-28-5; Drug: 352560-86-2; Drug: 363180-61-4; Drug: 413580-11-7; Drug: 416878-80-3; Drug: 419547-26-5; Drug: 428852-79-3; Drug: 825612-08-6; Drug: 825612-09-7; Drug: 825612-10-0. in silico virtual screening of falcipains lead to bioactive compounds against Leishmania promastigotes; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 15588096
catalytic activity (GO:0003824) decreased (PATO:0000468) in vitro (MI:0492) inferred from in-silico analysis (ECO:0000043) Leishmania donovani 0   6693   81384   236103   327961   376038   543486   543487   575389   575390   575391   576750  
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 22386-37-4; Drug: 36677-78-8; Drug: 52090-11-6; Drug: 98319-30-3; Drug: 300670-24-0; Drug: 302939-54-4; Drug: 303216-44-6; Drug: 309742-24-3; Drug: 312280-89-0; Drug: 315703-20-9; Drug: 320369-30-0; Drug: 322409-94-9; Drug: 330220-86-5; Drug: 335206-77-4; Drug: 347910-28-5; Drug: 352560-86-2; Drug: 363180-61-4; Drug: 413580-11-7; Drug: 416878-80-3; Drug: 419547-26-5; Drug: 428852-79-3; Drug: 825612-08-6; Drug: 825612-09-7; Drug: 825612-10-0. in silico virtual screening of falcipains lead to bioactive compounds against cysteine protease in vitro; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 15588096
catalytic activity (GO:0003824) decreased (PATO:0000468) in vitro (MI:0492) inferred from specific protein inhibition (ECO:0000020) Leishmania donovani 0   6693   81384   236103   327961   376038   543486   543487   575389   575390   575391   576750  
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 22386-37-4; Drug: 36677-78-8; Drug: 52090-11-6; Drug: 98319-30-3; Drug: 300670-24-0; Drug: 302939-54-4; Drug: 303216-44-6; Drug: 309742-24-3; Drug: 312280-89-0; Drug: 315703-20-9; Drug: 320369-30-0; Drug: 322409-94-9; Drug: 330220-86-5; Drug: 335206-77-4; Drug: 347910-28-5; Drug: 352560-86-2; Drug: 363180-61-4; Drug: 413580-11-7; Drug: 416878-80-3; Drug: 419547-26-5; Drug: 428852-79-3; Drug: 825612-08-6; Drug: 825612-09-7; Drug: 825612-10-0. in silico virtual screening of falcipains lead to bioactive compounds against cysteine protease in vitro; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 15588096
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) promastigote (BTO:0001124) inferred from bioassay (ECO:0000094) Leishmania donovani No drug identifiers listed for this gene.
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 2935-91-3; Drug: 24117-97-3; Drug: 98647-23-5; Drug: 198124-18-4; Drug: 256238-87-6; Drug: 257287-52-8; Drug: 263157-80-8; Drug: 294854-43-6; Drug: 303124-84-7; Drug: 303147-38-8; Drug: 321579-84-4; Drug: 331247-87-1; Drug: 337923-53-2; Drug: 338791-39-2; Drug: 675828-74-7; Drug: 676226-56-5; Drug: 678967-57-2; Drug: 681213-40-1; Drug: 686272-33-3; Drug: 696586-43-3; Drug: 705250-31-3; Drug: 708987-83-1; Drug: 831234-40-3; Drug: 882161-95-7; Drug: 882161-98-0; Drug: 882161-99-1; Drug: 882162-00-7; Drug: 882162-01-8; Drug: 882162-02-9; Drug: 882162-03-0; Drug: 882162-04-1; Drug: 882162-05-2; Drug: 882162-06-3; Drug: 882162-07-4; Drug: 882162-08-5; Drug: 882162-09-6; Drug: 882162-10-9; Drug: 882162-11-0; Drug: 882162-12-1; Drug: 882162-13-2; Drug: 882162-14-3. in silico virtual screening of falcipains lead to bioactive compounds against Leishmania promastigotes; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 16509575
catalytic activity (GO:0003824) decreased (PATO:0000468) in vitro (MI:0492) inferred from in-silico analysis (ECO:0000043) Leishmania donovani No drug identifiers listed for this gene.
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 2935-91-3; Drug: 24117-97-3; Drug: 98647-23-5; Drug: 198124-18-4; Drug: 256238-87-6; Drug: 257287-52-8; Drug: 263157-80-8; Drug: 294854-43-6; Drug: 303124-84-7; Drug: 303147-38-8; Drug: 321579-84-4; Drug: 331247-87-1; Drug: 337923-53-2; Drug: 338791-39-2; Drug: 675828-74-7; Drug: 676226-56-5; Drug: 678967-57-2; Drug: 681213-40-1; Drug: 686272-33-3; Drug: 696586-43-3; Drug: 705250-31-3; Drug: 708987-83-1; Drug: 831234-40-3; Drug: 882161-95-7; Drug: 882161-98-0; Drug: 882161-99-1; Drug: 882162-00-7; Drug: 882162-01-8; Drug: 882162-02-9; Drug: 882162-03-0; Drug: 882162-04-1; Drug: 882162-05-2; Drug: 882162-06-3; Drug: 882162-07-4; Drug: 882162-08-5; Drug: 882162-09-6; Drug: 882162-10-9; Drug: 882162-11-0; Drug: 882162-12-1; Drug: 882162-13-2; Drug: 882162-14-3. in silico virtual screening of falcipains lead to bioactive compounds against cysteine protease in vitro; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 16509575
catalytic activity (GO:0003824) decreased (PATO:0000468) in vitro (MI:0492) inferred from specific protein inhibition (ECO:0000020) Leishmania donovani No drug identifiers listed for this gene.
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 2935-91-3; Drug: 24117-97-3; Drug: 98647-23-5; Drug: 198124-18-4; Drug: 256238-87-6; Drug: 257287-52-8; Drug: 263157-80-8; Drug: 294854-43-6; Drug: 303124-84-7; Drug: 303147-38-8; Drug: 321579-84-4; Drug: 331247-87-1; Drug: 337923-53-2; Drug: 338791-39-2; Drug: 675828-74-7; Drug: 676226-56-5; Drug: 678967-57-2; Drug: 681213-40-1; Drug: 686272-33-3; Drug: 696586-43-3; Drug: 705250-31-3; Drug: 708987-83-1; Drug: 831234-40-3; Drug: 882161-95-7; Drug: 882161-98-0; Drug: 882161-99-1; Drug: 882162-00-7; Drug: 882162-01-8; Drug: 882162-02-9; Drug: 882162-03-0; Drug: 882162-04-1; Drug: 882162-05-2; Drug: 882162-06-3; Drug: 882162-07-4; Drug: 882162-08-5; Drug: 882162-09-6; Drug: 882162-10-9; Drug: 882162-11-0; Drug: 882162-12-1; Drug: 882162-13-2; Drug: 882162-14-3. in silico virtual screening of falcipains lead to bioactive compounds against cysteine protease in vitro; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 16509575
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) promastigote (BTO:0001124) inferred from bioassay (ECO:0000094) Leishmania major No drug identifiers listed for this gene.
Annotator: Comment: Drug: 872361-01-8; Drug: 872361-02-9; Drug: 886061-72-9; Drug: 886061-73-0; Drug: 886061-74-1; Drug: 886061-75-2; Drug: 886061-76-3; Drug: 886061-77-4; Drug: 886061-78-5; Drug: 886061-79-6; Drug: 886061-80-9; Drug: 886061-81-0; Drug: 886061-82-1; Drug: 886061-85-4; Drug: 886061-86-5; Drug: 886061-87-6; Drug: 886061-88-7; Drug: 886061-89-8; Drug: 886061-90-1; Drug: 886061-91-2; Drug: 886061-92-3; Drug: 886061-93-4; Drug: 886061-99-0; Drug: 886062-00-6; Drug: 886062-05-1; Drug: 886062-06-2; Drug: 886062-07-3; Drug: 886062-08-4; Drug: 886062-09-5; Drug: 886062-10-8; Drug: 886062-11-9; Drug: 886062-12-0; Drug: 886062-13-1; Drug: 886062-14-2; Drug: 886062-15-3; Drug: 886062-16-4; Drug: 886062-17-5; Drug: 906674-95-1. chemical inhibition with peptidomimetics and Aziridine-2,3-dicarboxylates leads to slow growth of Leishmania sp. in cell assay; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 16801424
growth (GO:0040007) decreased time (PATO:0000716) single cell organism (CARO:0000064) promastigote (BTO:0001124) inferred from bioassay (ECO:0000094) Leishmania amazonensis 30267  
Annotator: Comment: chemical inhibition with calpain inhibitor leads to slow growth of Leishmania sp. in cell assay; General cysteine peptidase inhibition with anti-leishmanial activity; specific target unknown. References: 16842979

In TDR Targets, information about phenotypes that are caused by drugs, or by genetic manipulation of cells (e.g. gene knockouts or knockdowns) is manually curated from the literature. These descriptions help to describe the potential of the target for drug development. If no information is available for this gene or if the information is incomplete, this may mean that i) the papers containing this information either appeared after the curation effort for this organism was carried out or they were inadvertently missed by curators; or that ii) the curation effort for this organism has not yet started.

In any case, if you have information about papers containing relevant validation data for this target, please contact us.

Annotated validation

  • Validation: inhibition during in vitro culture
  • annotated by:
  • References: 16842979
  • Validation: in vivo inhibition
  • annotated by:
  • References: 11238649 15172223

Associated compounds / Druggability

Druggability index (range: 0 to 1): 0.3

Known modulators for this target

Compound Source Reference
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References
Curated by TDRTargets References

Predicted associations

By orthology with druggable targets
Non orthologous druggable targets
By sequence similarity to non orthologous druggable targets
Species Target Length Identity Alignment span Linked Drugs Reference
Leishmania major calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative 743 aa 29.2% 794 aa Compounds References
Leishmania major calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative 687 aa 30.8% 735 aa Compounds References
Leishmania major calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative 823 aa 30.7% 704 aa Compounds References
Leishmania major cytoskeleton-associated protein CAP5.5, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative 723 aa 30.0% 694 aa Compounds References
Leishmania major hypothetical protein, conserved,calpain-like cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2 146 aa 30.5% 128 aa Compounds References
Leishmania major calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative 732 aa 30.6% 723 aa Compounds References
Leishmania major small myristoylated protein-1 131 aa 36.0% 114 aa Compounds References
Leishmania major calpain family cysteine protease-like protein 705 aa 29.1% 724 aa Compounds References
Leishmania major calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative 855 aa 35.5% 704 aa Compounds References
Leishmania major calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative 414 aa 29.4% 432 aa Compounds References
Leishmania major small myristoylated protein-2 136 aa 35.0% 123 aa Compounds References
Leishmania major calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative 754 aa 28.4% 786 aa Compounds References
Leishmania major small myristoylated protein-3, putative 115 aa 38.3% 107 aa Compounds References

Obtained from network model

Ranking Plot

Putative Drugs List

Compound Raw Global Species
0.0756 0.9459 0.9459
0.1885 0.9458 0.9454
0.0822 0.6597 0.9454
0.0763 0.946 0.9459
0.1016 0.2768 0.6065
0.0782 0.9459 0.9459
0.0767 0.9463 0.9463
0.1364 0.6899 0.9469
0.0831 0.9432 0.9454
0.0924 0.9458 0.9454
0.1016 0.2768 0.6065
0.0369 0.3713 0.9469
0.0933 0.5792 0.9454
0.0761 0.4106 0.9438
0.0761 0.864 0.9454
0.0757 0.2988 0.8799
0.0777 0.3171 0.887
0.0722 0.7311 0.7303
0.084 0.3377 0.6407
0.1805 0.9457 0.9456
0.1885 0.9457 0.9456
0.1792 0.6888 0.9466
0.1618 0.9457 0.9456
0.042 0.9438 0.9438
0.0821 0.8267 0.9465
0.084 0.3377 0.6407
0.0863 0.4596 0.9461
0.0769 0.7819 0.9453
0.0679 0.94 0.9398
0.1885 0.9458 0.9454
0.0807 0.9462 0.9461
0.0926 0.9467 0.9466
0.0772 0.454 0.9438
0.0803 0.5687 0.9469
0.0742 0.8311 0.9436
0.0948 0.276 0.5925
0.0818 0.258 0.9435
0.0822 0.9466 0.9465
0.0808 0.538 0.945
0.0598 0.9448 0.9438
0.0738 0.7174 0.9446
0.0838 0.3337 0.9461
0.0882 0.6312 0.9425
0.0873 0.9466 0.9465
0.0885 0.2985 0.6239
0.0792 0.947 0.947
0.0804 0.3807 0.9444
0.0668 0.5219 0.9401
0.163051 0.991218 0.991131
0.0993408 0.990877 0.990856
0.0803 0.9458 0.9454
0.0605 0.9458 0.9458
0.0837 0.8637 0.9454
0.085 0.9448 0.9446
0.0893 0.7105 0.9461
0.1698 0.6896 0.9468
0.0943 0.9454 0.9454
0.0733 0.8025 0.9436
0.0471 0.4614 0.4588
0.0871 0.946 0.946
0.0786 0.3106 0.6664
0.0934 0.9463 0.9463
0.1618 0.9457 0.9456
0.0471 0.4614 0.4588
0.0731 0.7196 0.9451
0.0812 0.2735 0.5743
0.0871 0.9458 0.9454
0.0879 0.2549 0.9461
0.0801 0.6341 0.9461
0.0923 0.4098 0.8475
0.0843 0.2686 0.4813
0.0731 0.2797 0.5853
0.1458 0.6913 0.9472
0.0666 0.3622 0.9519
0.0388 0.2575 0.9494
0.1698 0.9457 0.9456
0.0294 0.3124 0.9455
0.0922 0.9473 0.9467
0.081 0.9459 0.9459
0.0917 0.9463 0.9463
0.0748 0.8346 0.9436
0.0867 0.2812 0.5396
0.1792 0.6888 0.9466
0.0471 0.4614 0.4588
0.0829 0.946 0.9455
0.0797 0.9462 0.9461
0.0763 0.9446 0.9438
0.0923 0.9459 0.9459
0.0755 0.4926 0.8719
0.0509 0.589 0.9455
0.1905 0.9458 0.9454
0.0956 0.946 0.946
0.0939 0.3152 0.6959
0.0825 0.9458 0.9454
0.1792 0.6888 0.9466
0.081 0.9459 0.9459
0.0865 0.3079 0.9461
0.0809 0.9465 0.9465
0.1792 0.6888 0.9466
0.0777 0.3171 0.887
0.0841 0.4251 0.8048
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0.084 0.9459 0.9459
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0.08 0.9458 0.9454
0.1061 0.2755 0.648
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0.0689 0.7644 0.9408
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0.0854 0.9456 0.9454
0.0782 0.51 0.853
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0.0803 0.9474 0.947
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0.0804 0.3807 0.9444
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0.0863 0.4596 0.9461
0.0776 0.2662 0.5952
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0.0828 0.9217 0.9444
0.0758 0.2755 0.9435
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0.0817 0.3008 0.9435
0.0722 0.8261 0.9437
0.0761 0.5093 0.9438
0.0796 0.4215 0.8763
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0.0803 0.8479 0.9466
0.0924 0.9458 0.9454
0.0885 0.9118 0.9463
0.0841 0.8532 0.9454
0.0812 0.2735 0.5743
0.0778 0.9461 0.9461
0.0872 0.2877 0.6561
0.0926 0.9467 0.9466
0.1711 0.9457 0.9456
0.0779 0.5054 0.8782
0.0893 0.7105 0.9461
0.0856 0.9466 0.9465
0.1791 0.9457 0.9456
0.0803 0.5687 0.9469
0.0722 0.7311 0.7303
0.0856 0.9403 0.9463
0.0863 0.4596 0.9461
0.0832 0.9398 0.9398
0.0799 0.5471 0.9454
0.0885 0.9272 0.9463
0.0885 0.9272 0.9463
0.0509 0.6122 0.9438
0.0859 0.3983 0.7466
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0.1805 0.9457 0.9456
0.0943 0.9462 0.9454
0.0781 0.9448 0.9443
0.0784 0.9466 0.9465
0.0554 0.2857 0.5179
0.0756 0.8735 0.9466
0.1417 0.2946 0.9469
0.0908 0.9461 0.9463
0.0813 0.9465 0.9465
0.0886 0.3815 0.7297
0.0878 0.2658 0.4885
0.0731 0.5946 0.6502
0.072 0.5925 0.9437
0.086 0.2753 0.4855
0.0605 0.9458 0.9458
0.0471 0.4614 0.4588
0.0855 0.9459 0.9459
0.1885 0.9457 0.9456
0.0471 0.4614 0.4588
0.0817 0.3071 0.9448
0.0847 0.3093 0.7648
0.0831 0.6486 0.9461
0.0853 0.3652 0.7581
0.0826 0.2913 0.6113
0.0905 0.3625 0.7139
0.0865 0.3108 0.9472
0.0802 0.2861 0.6373
0.0783 0.9459 0.9459
0.0791 0.6662 0.9441
0.079 0.9463 0.9461
0.0804 0.4297 0.7297
0.0471 0.4614 0.4588
0.0735 0.8803 0.9431
0.1792 0.6896 0.9468
0.0798 0.8603 0.9454
0.1791 0.9457 0.9456
0.1016 0.2768 0.6065
0.0907 0.9449 0.9448
0.0724 0.7531 0.944
0.0471 0.4614 0.4588
0.071 0.7744 0.7743
0.1899 0.9457 0.9456
0.1899 0.9457 0.9456
0.0865 0.3108 0.9472
0.0761 0.2719 0.9453
0.0805 0.4114 0.8994
0.0769 0.2519 0.9452
0.0874 0.2816 0.6068
0.0788 0.5106 0.8543
0.0605 0.9457 0.9454
0.0784 0.9459 0.9459
0.0795 0.6988 0.9469
0.0574 0.4277 0.9527
0.0804 0.8384 0.9443
0.0879 0.9479 0.9476
0.0852 0.3889 0.6256
0.0993 0.3113 0.6743
0.0803 0.8479 0.9466
0.0813 0.9463 0.9461
0.0805 0.3001 0.8451
0.0865 0.3108 0.9472
0.0767 0.9465 0.9465
0.0731 0.5946 0.6502
0.0822 0.6597 0.9454
0.0882 0.9486 0.9486
0.0827 0.4131 0.7339
0.0943 0.4368 0.9441
0.0792 0.4032 0.6532
0.0859 0.3983 0.7466
0.0886 0.3815 0.7297
0.077 0.5726 0.899
0.0798 0.8603 0.9454
0.0824 0.275 0.551
0.0761 0.4106 0.9438
0.0843 0.9454 0.9454
0.0785 0.9466 0.9461
0.1698 0.9457 0.9456
0.103 0.7838 0.9465
0.086 0.3248 0.8488
0.0776 0.2846 0.8515
0.0708 0.5737 0.9426
0.0882 0.6312 0.9425
0.0819 0.9003 0.9444
0.0858 0.2913 0.6383
0.0855 0.9458 0.9454
0.1364 0.9457 0.9456
0.0768 0.5611 0.89
0.0757 0.9465 0.9463
0.0926 0.9463 0.9463
0.0886 0.3815 0.7297
0.0331 0.4 0.9449
0.0668 0.5219 0.9401
0.0926 0.9467 0.9466
0.0762 0.3056 0.8042
0.0917 0.9463 0.9463
0.0846 0.5812 0.9461
0.191433 0.991216 0.991131
0.0963 0.3022 0.6545
0.163051 0.991218 0.991131
0.0803 0.8479 0.9466
0.0956 0.9476 0.9476
0.0731 0.5946 0.6502
0.0776 0.2846 0.8515
0.0763 0.946 0.9459
0.0865 0.3108 0.9472
0.0818 0.5762 0.8003
0.0933 0.9459 0.9459
0.0772 0.9465 0.9465
0.0803 0.5687 0.9469
0.0893 0.3495 0.9445
0.1155 0.2658 0.5909
0.0761 0.5442 0.9462
0.0803 0.9474 0.947
0.0905 0.9459 0.9459
0.0996 0.305 0.6688
0.1885 0.9456 0.9454
0.0783 0.9459 0.9459
0.0886 0.9322 0.9466


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Bibliographic References

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Gene identifier LmjF.31.0430 (Leishmania major), calpain-like cysteine peptidase, putative,cysteine peptidase, Clan CA, family C2, putative
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